Website: www.ecofarmfl.org
Ecofarm is a farm-based intentional community in Plant City founded by Jon and Debbie Butts. We have been growing vegetables and ornamentals on the property since 1985.
Ecofarmers participate in farmers’ markets all year, providing a wide variety of major and minor vegetables, herbs, fruits, native plants and edible perennial plants in season; as well as homemade soaps, cane syrup (Our home-grown sugarcane is processed the ‘Cracker’ way into delicious pure cane syrup), loofah sponges and prepared foods. We believe in eating locally, as much as possible, and sharing the harvest with our neighbors and customers. Asian and Caribbean vegetables typically grow well here during the summertime, while crops that are grown in summertime in the rest of the country are our winter crops. Ecofarm practices non-chemical, sustainable farming, so you can expect fresh, healthy—and yummy—produce, grown with love.
Our farm is a member of the Southwest Florida Small Farm Network, an expanding group of farmers, producers, and agricultural agents that share a common interest of growing food that is good for our health and our environment. We are also member supporters of the Weston A. Price Foundation (www.westonaprice.org – for Wise Traditions in food, farming and the healing arts), the Fellowship for Intentional Community (www.ic.org), The Barefoot Gardener Yahoo Group, based in Polk County (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BarefootGardener/) and WMNF 88.5 Community-Supported Radio in Tampa (www.wmnf.org), where Jon produces the Sustainable Living Show on alternate Mondays.